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If you have not heard of e-PlanSoft’s goPost™ Public Portal, this article will help explain what it is and why you should care.

Imagine that your community is in the middle of an economic boom. Real estate is quickly being bought up, and employers are hiring like crazy. You work in the planning and development office, and it is currently being inundated with physical paper plans that have been submitted for your review and approval. The workroom in this office is limited because of how much space is being taken up by the plans that were previously submitted. This new development is positive, but it has been difficult for you to focus on getting your plan reviews completed. Your colleagues that work in permitting are experiencing a line out the door every day filled with individuals and business owners, that talk, while waiting in line to submit their plans to join in on the exciting new community development.

While pondering at your desk, you can’t help but think to yourself, “there has to be a better way to do this”. Then your friend in a neighboring town tells you about this product, e-PlanREVIEW®, that is changing the development space by digitizing plan review and how the public portal, goPost™, has really helped streamline organization for their town as well.

You realize that you’ve heard of what e-PlanREVIEW® is, but you have never heard of goPost™. You reach out to a contact at e-PlanSoft™ recommended by your friend, and this is what you learn:

e-PlanSoft’s goPost Public Portal is a fully web-based secure application that is used by applicants, intake staff, and goPost™ administrators. When municipalities elect to have goPost included with their choice to use e-PlanREVIEW®, goPost™ is tightly integrated with the product, but it is optional.

goPost™ allows applicants to manage plan review projects and submit plan review documents to their municipalities via the internet. Through this software, applicants can apply for permits, upload and submit plans for review, manage document versioning, access review comment reports, and download deliverable packages when a review is complete. Applicants can use this service provided by their municipality at no additional cost to them, and they have access to this portal 24/7.

From an intake staff and administrator standpoint, goPost is utilized to evaluate incoming submittals made by applicants. Through goPost™, staff can provide links for applicants to download submittal guidelines in PDF format. Incoming files uploaded by an applicant that do not meet best practices will be rejected by the Scout PDF Inspector, which is an internal PDF checker that is already integrated to goPost™ and e-PlanREVIEW®.

Applicants receive automated emails when their project’s workflow status has changed in EPR, therefore it is easy to monitor if one of their documents has not met submission criteria, or if their application has been approved for review.

When an application has been “accepted”, the documents are sent over from goPost™ to e-PlanREVIEW® seamlessly with the push of a button. All the staff will have to do following this action is to log into e-PlanREVIEW® to access the documents that have been approved without an extra step needed to upload the plans into the system. All plans will be accessible and ready to be reviewed.

If you’d like to see a demonstration of goPost™, and how it integrates with e-PlanREVIEW®, email us at info@eplansoft.com or fill out the contact form, and one of our representatives will reach out to you promptly.

e-PlanSoft™ Customers That are Already Benefiting from goPost™:

  1. Irvine
  2. San Joaquin County
  3. Rancho Mission Viejo
  4. TransTech
  5. Bureau Veritas
  6. Infrastructure Engineers
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